Research Article | Open Access
“Religiosity and Muslim Consumer Behaviour towards Food Products in Maharashtra”
Shaikh Imran Ismail, Dr. Manik S. Waghmare. Mr. Dhawle Kalyan, Mr. Lagad Krushna
Pages: 276-281
Religion is an inseparable part of the culture which makes influence on the consumer behaviour of individuals as it influences the life style of people and thus it affects their buying behaviour as a consumer. It was observed that religion binds people in a particular choice of behaviour. People belonging to different religions have different buying behaviour. Thus, from the marketing perspective, the influence of religion on buying habits of people will help the marketers in developing effective strategies in advance so that they can respond in a better way for fulfilment of consumers’ requirements
The present study is based on the field survey conducted with the help of a well- structured questionnaire and interviews with Muslim consumers. The study is confined to Jalgaon district in Maharashtra state and the primary data was collected from deribate sampling method 100 respondents had been selected from Jalgaon district. Secondary data has collected from various book and research journal and government agencies.
Religiosity Muslim consumer Behaviour, Food Products