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Research Article | Open Access
Volume 13 2021 | None
“Role of Education in Economic Development”
Dr. Umesh Gupta, Ahtesham Hussain
Pages: 2410-2414
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between education and economic development. A detailed discussion on the role of education in economic development with evidence found in different studies has been presented in the paper. Without significant investments in human capital, no country can achieve long-term economic success. Education can be viewed as a key aspect in development as well as a prerequisite for the broader nation of improved human capacities that is at the heart of development’s meaning. It helps people in understanding themselves and the world. It improves their quality of life and provides a variety of social benefits to both individuals and society. It is essential for boosting people’s productivity and creativity, as well as stimulating entrepreneurship and technical developments. It is also necessary for assuring economic andsocial progress, as well as enhancing income distribution.
Education, Economic Development, Productivity, Human Capital, Entrepreneurship.