Dr. Irene C. Gumiran
Students must generate rather than choose a response in a performance-based assessment.
Authentic assessments, alternative assessments, and integrated performance assessments are part of it. Rather
than selecting an answer from a list of possibilities, students are required to complete a task, generate an answer,
or produce a product that demonstrates mastery of information or skills. This study consisted of 20 students
who were enrolled in SS Assessment and Evaluation at Rizal Technological University, the first semester of the
school year 2020-2021. Data were collected with an open-ended questionnaire that had 1 item, particularly
about the performance-based assessment stated in this case study. Is performance-based assessment a substitute
for the traditional method of assessing the performance of students? Yes or No? Why? The gathered data were
analyzed with the use of a computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software, particularly the maxqda
analytics pro2020 and examined under themes that matched the question. Results showed that the performancebased assessment is an alternative to the traditional method of assessing the students. Students are free to do
whatever they want, which boosts their creativity and allows them to express themselves regardless of the topic
matter. Furthermore, it demonstrated that while the traditional method is effective, adopting performance-based
assessment is far superior to technological advancements and it contributed a lot to their professional
development as future educators.
Performance-Based Assessment, Traditional Assessment, Online Class, Student’s Assessment