Introduction: The condition known as cryptogenic cirrhosis damages the liver. People who have this disorder often
acquire cirrhosis, an incurable liver disease, in their mid- to late adult years.
Case presentation: We are reporting a case of young male patient with cryptogenic cirrhosis of liver, A 30- yearyoung maleadmitted in tertiary care hospital with the complaints of left hypochondriac pain since four to five days,
fever with chills since 10 days, history of black stool since 1 month back, history of hematemesis 1 month back, no
history of loose stool and vomiting.. No history of chronic alcoholism, viral infection, hypertension, diabetes
mellitus, and his general condition was fair.On Physical examination patient was unhealthy and conscious. S1, S2
sound heard normally, patient abdomen was distended due to ascites, had breathlessness, general condition of
patient was fair, and pulse rate was 78 beats per min, and Respirationwere 22 breaths per min, Blood pressure were
110/80 mm of Hg.All blood investigationswere done. On investigation it was found that patient had pancytopenia.
LFT, KFT were done. Hemoglobin was 9.7 gm%. Triple H testrevealed that, HBSAG, HCV andHIV test were nonreactive. Patient’s Spo2 were 97%, pulse rate 78 beats/ min.esophageal varices banding done. The patient was kept
under close observation and medical treatment was started immediately.Conclusion:Here, we would like to focus on
the fact that a primary care physician is involved in the treatment of a patient with cryptogenic cirrhosis of the liver.
In order to diagnose cryptogenic cirrhosis or liver disease, a primary care physician is essential to detect risk factors
and ordering the right tests and imaging.Helps to prevent further complications and mortality.
Cryptogenic, cirrhosis of liver, treatment, prevention, mortality.