Research Article | Open Access
Pages: 464-471
During the last few years we have been witnessing tremendous changes in the way we are targeted with highly technological products and services in India. The first of such personal experience few years ago I had was with on purchasing of shoes on a very popular e-commerce site. After a long gap of more than six months I was browsing to purchase a pair of shoes, as soon as I logged into the web page and typed a word or two all my search history came in a drop down box to my surprise. Also a list of suggested product catalogue popped up at the bottom of my mobile screen. This situation created curiosity inside me that what makes the website remember my product search history almost six months later and also how the online marketer evaluate my search history and suggest me the products which I would like to buy in future? The second such experience is with you tube. As and when I browse into the site automatically the list of videos come onto the home screen which I would normally prefer to watch on you tube.. It makes me excited to know how a digital device can be connected with every other gadget and it can control the action as per our voice command. For example Amazon developed “Alexa”. It fascinates me to find out how a car could drop the on boarder at it’s exact destination that to without the help of a driver. It sounds more of fantasy. But no it’s not it’s the concept of Artificial intelligence which is ruling the market places and businesses all over the world. At present it might be at a very nascent stage but surely the AI is set to dominate the business and market places in the coming future. The objective of the research article is to find out the immense potential of this AI sector which enticed me to explore into the various business sectors in India and draw a sector wise analysis and reflect what the current scenario represents regarding the use of AI and market size of AI in Indian business eco-system.
AI, Alexa,e-commerce, search history, You Tube