Research Article | Open Access
A study to identify degree of satisfaction in the occupied Job roles among the Indian Army Officers.
Dr. Naval Lawande, Mandeep Kaur, Rahul Dhaigude
Pages: 34-41
This study has been undertaken to identify degree of satisfaction in the occupied job rolesamong the Indian Army
Officers. A sample size comprising of 197 officers was collected. The scale MAO-R (Motivational Analysis of
Organization-Roles) developed by Dr Udai Prateek and Dr Surabhi Purohit, was used to assess satisfaction in terms
of five intrinsic needs- achievement, influence, control, affiliation and extension. A study was additionally done to
understand if level of role satisfaction of male and female officers is same. The data was also analyzed to find if
level of satisfaction varied in terms of work-experience and type of commission. The study used descriptive analysis
and Nonparametric test (Mann-Whitney Test).
The results of the study revealed moderate level of job role satisfaction among officers: the highest amount of
satisfaction was found to be in the need for extension, followed by need for affiliation, control and achievement
respectively. The highest amount of dissatisfaction was found in the need for influence.There wasn’t any significant
difference found in the level of satisfaction on the basis of gender or type of commission. However, a significant
difference was found as per years of service.
Job Satisfaction, Role Satisfaction, Needs Influencing Job Role Satisfaction, Achievement, Affiliation, Influence, Control, Extension, Types of Commission