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Research Article | Open Access
Volume 14 2022 | None
Analysis into rest seat number and location in CPD treated cases
Ranjith Raj VPRB Dr Suresh V
Pages: 5103-5110
BACKGROUND: Edentulousness is the state in which loss of teeth causes adverse aesthetic and biomechanical sequelae.Sequelae Of edentulousness eventually leads to bone loss and other defects. Traditionally edentulousness is treated with fixed dental prosthesis,implants, Temporary partial dentures and Cast partial dentures/Cast partial denture provides better results in terms of retention, stability, masticatory efficiency, comfort and periodontal health of abutment.However the process of fabricating a cast partial denture is cumbersome. Hence better diagnosis,treatment planning and clinical skills are a prerequisite to prevent post op complications. AIM: This study aims to Analyse the rest seat number and location in CPD treated cases in a private dental institution. MATERIALS & METHODS: Dental records of Dental patients who visited our institution from June 2019 - july 2021 , 22 patients who underwent CPD treatment were included in the study and simple random sampling method was followed to prevent bias . Each patient's dental records, treatment reports,prescription reports and photographs were reviewed thoroughly.The data analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Sciences for Windows, version 26.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) and results were obtained. P-value (< 0.05) was considered statistically significant. RESULTS: Female population had undergone CPD treatment when compared to male population which is about 59.09%. By comparing arch and rest seat configuration it is evident that the lower arch predominantly had quadrangular configuration which is about 36.36% and found to be statistically significant .By comparing the arch and rest seat location, the lower arch had high rest seat location in anterior and posterior which is about 31.82% CONCLUSION: Within the limits of the study , it was concluded that Cast partial dentures are mostly preferred in lower arch with quadrangular rest seat configuration including both anterior teeth and the posterior teeth as the rest seat location.
CPD, Prosthesis, Rest seat location, lowerarch, Novel Study