Research Article | Open Access
Dr. T. Sharon Raju Ahmed yaseen Issa AL Juboori
Pages: 1584-1586
Students are frequently oblivious of the power of the written word, but the written word allows the writer
to sense the power, if only for a bit of a moment. Dictation is an exercise that combines listening and writing skills.
Writing is a popular thinking tool because it allows students to acquire control over their thoughts. Learners must
understand and apply the writing process and the right writing plan strategies. It contributes to their personal
development and successful climate changes. An Outcome-Based Approach is a program and course design,
teaching, and learning-centered method on what students are expected to learn and do. This approach focuses on
what students know and can do. The Present paper provides the in sight of developing creating writing skills of the
learners through the course design.
Creative writing, Outcome-based Approach, course design, pedagogical principle ,etc.