Research Article | Open Access
Childhood Injury Pattern During Covid 19 Pandemic: A Population - based Study in Rural Area in Basrah City (Iraq)
Amall Y. AL-Mulla
Pages: 959-967
Background: Children injuries are a major public health problem globally and
considered as an important social health issue that needs an urgent care and action,
regards as a health consideration in the whole world, influencing both developed and
developing countries. The increased exposure to potentially hazardous home
environments and activities caused by stay-at-home orders and closures of schools
due to COVID-19 pandemic may be responsible for a new spate of injuries among
children in 2020.
method: population based cross sectional study done in rural area
(Al-Jazeera/Shatt Al-Arab). This cross sectional study involved households with at
least one child in age group of less than 18 years, in rural area in Basra city (2020).
Objectives: To determine the magnitude of childhood injuries during COVID-19
pandemic in terms of incidence, to determine nature and causes of injuries and
factors that may affect the incidence of childhood injuries that is associated with
quarantine and homestay for long periods during pandemic.
A total of 652 children under 18 years of age (according to the definition of WHO)
were included in the study, 109 children had injuries during the pandemic year
(2020). Result: The incidence rate of injury in the area was 167.1/ 1000 children,
males show higher incidence rate of injury rather than females. the effect of child sex,
mother education and age on the incidence of injury were highly significant, while
age of child and birth order were not significant. Soft tissue injuries and burns were
the leading causes of injuries in our household study.
General improvement and modification of sociocultural environment are
recommended, children and adolescent education about safety and necessary
precaution. establishing of injury surveillance system is important for preventing and
control of injuries Governments and healthcare authorities should proactively
implement appropriate intervention programs and better resources to prevent these
home injuries during lockdown.
Childhood Injuries, Rural Area, Household, Basrah.