Research Article | Open Access
Children's Literature and Cultural Heritage in Algeria - An approach to writing mechanisms and reception aesthetics - (The Folk Story as a Model)
Pages: 681-688
Through this intervention, we seek to discuss a topic related to the aesthetics of receiving heritage in children’s narrative literature in the light of reception theory, relying in this on some of the procedural concepts that I have valued, especially what Hans Robert Jauss defined as “aesthetic distance” or “aesthetic dimension” that reveals The reason for the continuation of these stories inspired by heritage and aimed at children. This is because the orientation of children's story books in particular, and children's literature in general, towards heritage has noble goals and great benefits, which are represented in attracting the child to his heritage and entertaining him, providing successful models for him to emulate, and providing him with experience and wisdom in an attractive manner. How can popular heritage be transformed into narrative literature attractive to children? How can we re-present heritage to the child of the twenty-first century in the form of stories in light of the requirements of the present?
Children's literature, heritage, folk tale, reception, aesthetic dimension.