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Research Article | Open Access
Volume 12 2020 | None
Components of development of English communicative proficiency of Thai people
Arellado Ma Arlen Forro, Philip Amos
Pages: 128-132
The purpose of this research was to analyze the components of development of English communicative proficiency of Thai people. It consisted of 2 parts. The first part was a qualitative research consisting of in-depth interviews with 8 experts on the teaching of English and assessment. The second part was a quantitative research to study the components of development the English communicative proficiency of Thai people. The sample size of 384 were selected among Thais workers in Bangkok. The statistical tool used to analyze the data was Factor Analysis. The research results showed that the English communicative proficiency development came from 3 main sources: learning management, the learner, and extra-curricular activities concerning the society and the environment, involving 50 attributes. The Results from Factor Analysis on the 50 attributes using Principle Component Analysis and Orthogonal Rotation with Varimax method showed that the attributes could be entered into 5 components, with each component having Eigen values of greater than 1.0 and the Significant Level test produced the significance level of .01. The 5 components were 1) creation of atmosphere for communication in English in various settings 2) learning management strategies of higher institutions 3) English skills practice provided by higher learning institutions 4) learners’ engagement and 5) learners’ positive attitude. Explanation by these 5 components accounted for 62.251% of variance.
Development of English proficiency of Thai people, English communicative proficiency, English skills for communication