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Research Article | Open Access
Volume 16 2024 | None
Critical Analysis of The Ontological Foundations of The Convention On The Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Womenfrom the Perspective of the Quran
Seyed Hamid Jazayeri, Mohammad Madibo Juni, Ferozdin Saqeb
Pages: 159-172
The laws of Islam, which are originated from holy revelation, have given a high status and dignity to women with a comprehensive view of their rights and characteristics. Undoubtedly, in terms of development, there are wise differences between men and women; But at the same time, there is a kind of balance between the rights and duties of men and women, which is in accordance with the nature of each of them. In recent decades, the issue of women's rights has been considered as a global issue in the "Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women", whose main message is to establish complete equality between men and women and to eliminate any discrimination based on gender, and in this case, requirements It imposes on governments. The purpose of this article is to criticize the fundamentals of the convention and express its inherent incompatibility with religious foundations and to emphasize that it is not possible to commit to its results and provisions simply by applying the right of condition and minor changes in the convention. For this purpose, it used the library method in collecting information and the comparative descriptive and analytical method in processing. The findings of this research have shown that the foundations of convention in most cases have material differences with religious foundations; Because the principles of the convention consider the principle of extreme equality and complete equality between the rights of men and women, and religious principles are based on justice and the principle of proportionality (equality and difference); Therefore, Islamic countries cannot join this convention.
Religious Foundations,Ontological Foundations of Convention, Principle of Proportionality, Principle of equality.