Ms. Vaishali Mathur Dr. Mona Mahecha
Live-in relationship is a rhetoric issue in this era, its inclusive effect on our Indian culture also. In the case of
S.Khushboo vs Kanniammal &Anr.( (2010) 5 SCC 600 )Honorable supreme court declared ‘couple
Cohabitation’ in India is not any offence, even it is right to life under Indian constitution article-21. In this
article the author seeks to elucidate live-in relationship misappropriate by live-in partners numerous times for
self-pleasure, for fun, complacency, smugness, conceit, personal vengeance, exploitation, professional rivalry,
jealousy, self-approval, self-approbationetc. This was the foremost motive behind legitimizing the law to give
validity every person personal liberty and freedom. Momentarily, the scenario is transformedsince last one
decade to fraud, rivalry, falsification, distortion, adultery, extra marital affairs like misconduct occurs under the
guise of live-in relationship.Many couple cohabitonly forsexualpreferenceno any emotional bonding and
attachment like marriage. In many cases, fact came to light when the male co-partner of live-in relationship
refuse the marriage proposal then the female allegation him on rape. Many partners choice live-in relationship
for contractual basis or an agreement of a business deal, proposal for film or fashion show, reputed post,
promotion in job or a high-profile connection. In this article the author stabs to expose the disgusting truth of
actual scenario of live-in relationship in India. Even, all live-in relationship is not for short-term indentures for
any ravenousness and greed, but many of them are like this. The author revealsin this article many concealed
and veiled fact to illuminate the vibrant and strict legislation emergent need for live-in relationship in India to
stop mockery of law and order.
Live-in relationship, mockery, cohabitation, self-approval, emergent