Research Article | Open Access
Democratic practice of managers and quality of administrative management in public educational institutions
John Morillo-Flores Linda Shardin Flores Joel Uribe MartÃnez Eliana Mesia Nomberto
Pages: 503-511
The study sought to determine the relationship between democratic praxis
and quality in the administrative management of managers in public
educational institutions. The research was basic, descriptive-correlational,
non-experimental, cross-sectional design. Two questionnaires designed on
the Likert scale were used. The population was 235 teachers and the simple
random sample of 147 teachers. It was concluded that there was a direct
relationship between democratic praxis and quality of administrative
management; as well as the level of democratic praxis was low and the level
of administrative management was of medium quality in the directors of
public educational institutions.
democratic praxis, educational management, democratic values, democratic principles.