Research Article | Open Access
Design A Smart Safety Device For Women's Safety Using Raspberry Pi Pico & Implementation In Iot
Priyanka Mehta, Dr. Vikas Somani, Dr. Awanit Kumar
Pages: 2370-2375
Women's safety has always been a concern, even in the present era with all the technological advancements. Women are unsafe, especially at risk when exploring isolated areas and lonely roads. Women's hand-held safety gadgets on the market require human interaction to activate the Device if it detects a threat, such as by pressing a button or shaking the Device. We offer a solution that aims to provide women with false safety and eliminate the current systems' drawbacks. The proposed effort intends to develop an IoT-based safety gadget that protects women by connecting to it via a Raspberry pi Pico, notifying individuals in the area, offender photos, SMS alerts, and calling on registered numbers and the authorities when a woman is in danger.
Women Safety Device, IoT, Raspberry Pi, Body Touch Sensor, SIM 800 L