Research Article | Open Access
Domes in Iranian Architecture
Marzieh Azad Armaki , Mehrnaz Khorsand
Pages: 2569-2582
Preserving the heritage and history of each country can familiarize the members of a
society with their cultural roots. Today, historical monuments are considered as the most
important structures in terms of history and culture. They are the most important tourist
attractions in the world. Many governments have paid considerable attention to historical sites
recently, which are predicted to become the largest industry in the coming ten years. These
places are also known as one of the most important scientific and research centers. Historical
monuments are the right place to attract tourism. As monuments act as an element of the culture
and civilization of a country, and due to the importance of attracting tourism, the present research
investigated Daniel the Nabi Monument in Susa and the Sheikh Zahid Gilani Tomb. In this
paper, the potentials of these two architectural masterpieces were analyzed through comparative
studies under four domains: physical, structural, climatic, and historical.
Architecture, Comparative Analysis, Daniel Nabi Tomb, Sheikh Zahid Gilani