Research Article | Open Access
Dramatization as a didactic resource for the development of selfesteem in university students
Jessica Paola Palacios Garay Ulises Córdova García Sofía Sairitupac Santana
Pages: 459-466
The objective of the research was to establish the influence of dramatization as a
didactic resource for the development of self-esteem. The research was applied,
under the quantitative approach, with an experimental design. The sample of 44
university students was made up of two groups: one of control and the other
experimental. The instrument used to measure self-esteem was the Coopersmith
questionnaire. For the results, U-Mann-Whitney was used; These results evidenced
that dramatization, as a didactic resource, significantly influences the development of
self-esteem in university students.
dramatization, didactic resource, self-esteem, university students