Research Article | Open Access
Early stimulation and emotional intelligence and its incidence in communication learning at the initial level
Yrene Cecilia Uribe Hernández Edgar Froilan Damián Núñez Miguel Inga-Arias Oriana Rivera Lozada
Pages: 433-441
It had the purpose of establishing the incidence of early stimulation and emotional
intelligence on communication learning in children of the initial level using a
quantitative methodology, whose study was basic-substantive and explanatory level
with an undetermined population of the Comas district- Lima and a stratified random
sample of 384 children and 123 informant teachers. The results and conclusions
indicated the very strong influence of these variables on communication learning,
according to the R2 of, 950 with a statistical significance of, 000, demonstrating the
high incidence of early stimulation and emotional intelligence on the development of
communication in children, highlighting the importance of the good exercise of the
profession, where planning.
Early-stimulation; emotional-intelligence; communication learning