Research Article | Open Access
Embracing Innovation on Aso-Oke Fabrics and Rebranding through Weaving and Printing Technology Mechanism
Olujoke Stella AKINRUJOMU
Pages: 506-520
The creative world is evolving towards the breakage of barriers standing against innovations. The best way of achieving this goal is by changing techniques, styles, ideas, and methods of old to new practices. The paper examined aso-oke fabric by embracing innovations and rebranding through weaving and printing technology. Most research efforts have revealed that aso-oke are purely traditional fabrics which are used purposely for sewing traditional attires and worn during occasions as wedding, naming, and burial ceremonies. The paper rendered useful the aso-oke fabrics considering its usage for everyday activities. The printing of designs of aso-oke on other lighter fabrics e.g., T-shirt or plain fabric as casual wears and office wears popularised the conventional aso-oke fabrics and brought about its improvement and popularity. The previous studies described aso-oke as cultural fabrics mainly used for body adornment to be sewn into Agbada, buba, iro, gele. This paper declares its usage for modern attires like office dress and for casuals as jumper and trousers, unisex attires, also for long and short gowns. therefore, techniques were used to transfer the real image of aso-oke on lighter fabrics for casual wears to match with the conventional aso-oke therefore making it to gain popularity home and abroad. The paper is expected to promote usability and acceptability of aso-oke fabric for economic growth and to support government campaigns for entrepreneurial education.
Innovation, Aso-Oke Fabrics, Rebranding, Weaving, Printing Technology.