Research Article | Open Access
Exploring the Factors that Influence the Students’ Learning in the Filipino Subject: Basis for Creating of Children's Communication Primer
Ashley Joy P. Buduan, Andrey James B. Falcasantos, Ina Lindy G. Dohiling, AtieraAdzri A. Hamis, Wilmer G. Diacor, Charmagne Ross C. Arquiza, Mariane Aizel M. Manalo
Pages: 234-243
This study's main objective is to identify the variables that influence learning. Thirty (30) secondary school students participated in this study, which focuses on students while also attempting to determine the impact of grades and other variables on students' learning. Based on this study's survey questionnaire and descriptive-correlational research, the student's first and second quarter grades were described as high. It was also found that factors affect learning from the teaching method, learning environment, and learning method. There was no significant relationship between the factors affecting learning and students' scores means that even though there are learning factors, a student's score may still be high. The score in the Filipino subject is related to the student's teaching method factor with a Pearson-r of 0.033, while the environment factor is 0.162 and the student's learning method has a -0.002, meaning that the factors affecting learning have no significant relationship with students' scores.
factor, teaching, mark, grade, learning, Filipino subject, descriptive research