Research Article | Open Access
Factors Associated with the Nutritional Status of Toddlers at the Limo Community Health Center, Depok City, Indonesia
Munaya Fauziah Tria Astika Endah Permatasari Dadang Herdiansyah Noor Latifah4 Ma’mun Murod Albarbasy Doddy Defriyana
Pages: 701-706
Undernutrition in urban areas remains a serious public health problem in Indonesia.
The study aimed to find out what factors were related to the nutritional status of
children under five in the working area of the Limo Community Health Center, Limo
District. Depok City, Indonesia in 2019. This research was conducted in June-July
2019 using a cross-sectional study design with a sample of 118 mothers who have
toddlers aged 6-59 months in the Limo Health Center work area in 2019. The
sampling technique used simple random sampling. The analysis was performed
using chi-square (α = 0.05). Undernutrition is defined as the condition of children
under five which is determined based on the anthropometric index measurement
results of body weight for age with a Z- score of -2 SD to ≤ -3 SD, while good
nutrition is at a Z-score of -2 SD to 2 SD. As a result, the prevalence of undernutrition
was 16.1%. As much as 50% of the respondents had high school education and
mothers with low education were 32.2%. The results showed a prevalence of working
mothers (13.6%), family income < Rp. 4,600,000 (52.5%), mothers with low
knowledge (25.4%), male children (53.4%), poor parenting (3.4%), and mothers who
did not use health services properly (3.4%). There was a significant relationship
between maternal education (p = 0.004; OR: 4,813; 95% CI: 1,711-13,537), family
income (p = 0.006; OR: 6.145; 95% CI: 1.68-22.43), and maternal knowledge
(p = 0.007; OR: 4.389; 95% CI: 1.57-12.23) with the nutritional status of children
under five in the working area of the Limo Community Health Center. The suggestion
is that the Limo Community Health Center make a program to increase the
knowledge capacity of mothers regarding the nutrition of their children.
Factors Associated, Nutritional Status of Toddlers, Community Health Center