Research Article | Open Access
Food Handling is it different during COVID-19
Manoj Aravindan Dr. Jayashri Prabakar
Pages: 1775-1785
BACKGROUND: The Coronavirus (novel coronavirus or COVID-19) is a large family of viruses that can be
transmitted through food products.The virus is not transmitted through food that is safely prepared, but it can be
transmitted through food products, as the virus can live for several days on the surfaces of food products.
However, precautions regarding the purchase and cleaning of food products after purchase are important. Thus
this present study was conducted to assess the Knowledge and awareness on Food Handling during COVID 19
among the General Public.
MATERIALS AND METHOD:A descriptive cross-Sectional survey was conducted among 100 study
participants. Data collection was done by means of online google survey form. Data was entered in Microsoft
excel sheet after collection and was analysed using SPSS software. Descriptive statistics were expressed by
means of number, frequency, and percentage. Chi- Square test was used to find the association between
variables. The level of statistical significance is at p<0.05. Statistical software is SPSS version 23.
RESULTS: 38.18% of the respondents are from 18-25 years ,16.36% of the respondents are from 36-45 years
,16.36% of the respondents are 46-55 years , 10.91% of the respondents are from above 66yrs of age, and 9.09%
of the respondents are from 56-65 yrs age group. Majority of the females (13.64%) responded that they washed
their hands for 10 seconds. when compared to male participants. The differences between the groups were not
significant (chi square value-16.183, The p value is 0.06(p<0.05))
CONCLUSION: In the current survey, food handlers demonstrated adequate knowledge of proper food
handling. Approximately 88.39% of food handlers exercised caution when purchasing food goods such as groceries, fruits, and vegetables, as well as afterwards. The majority of the food handlers washed the food before
storing it.Based on the result of the study we can conclude that the majority of the female respondents are aware
of food handling during COVID 19.
Cross-sectional survey, COVID 19, Food items, General public, Innovative analysis