Research Article | Open Access
Vasudha Kurikala, Dr.V.Parvathi
Pages: 3949-3957
Purpose: Green human resource management, a novel academic tendency, is critical to longterm growth plans. There is
a research deficit in utilizing and amalgamating GHRM-related proficiency to provide specific forthcoming
instructions. As a result, this paper aims to undertake a comprehensive literature evaluation on Green Human Resource
Management to identify particular A prospective study's research needs and objectives
Design/methodology/approach: Among the 63 articles reviewed in this study, 54 are research/empirical, and nine are
reviews. Most of them are related to The Scopus and Web of Science databases, the GHRM field source. These journals
are suggested and grouped into ten categories before the primary discoveries connected to GHRM knowledge are
identified. The study gives specific recommendations after finding research gaps.
Findings: Several empirical studies have been conducted in the manufacturing industry regarding green H.R.
management. Future research should emphasize conceptual studies to consolidate the green human resource
management construct, lacking analysis. Information technology organizations do not have green human resources
management reviews. Brand experiences studied are quantitative. A structured questionnaire is used in most survey
Originality/value: By recognizing research blocks and providing upcoming guidelines on Green HRM, this review is
essential for researchers to guide GHRM research. Future research plans are introduced here, along with suggestions for
group behavior in and outside organizations, for example, the circular economy and concepts based on technology
HRM, Sustainable growth, Systematic literature review, and GHRM