Research Article | Open Access
Group Guidance for The Progressivity of Social Media Ethics: An Experiment Research
Adnan Fadkhurosi
Pages: 260-265
The research objective is to determine the effectiveness of group counseling in improving students' social media ethics. This study used a quantitative experimental research method with a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group design. The research subjects were class XI students of Ngemplak Boyolali Public High School with a population of 358 students, then the sample used for research activities was 78 students. This study revealed that there was an increase in student social media ethics after being given Group Guidance. This is evidenced by the experimental results at the pretest stage, the treatment group got an average score of 90.9 while the control group got an average score of 89.6. The next stage was the provision of group guidance services to the two test groups so as to obtain a posttest score or result, namely the treatment/experiment group received an average score of 102.0 and the control group an average score of 92.0.
Group Guidance; Social Media; Ethics; Progressives Ethic Media Social