Research Article | Open Access
Dr.Pooja Kabra Dr.VipinPratap Singh
Pages: 4816-4821
Dental caries is still one of the most prevalent occurring oral diseases globally which affects all age groups and is
prevalent worldwide. There is a need to determine various methodologies that could prognosticate caries early.
Fingerprint or the digit ratio isthe ratio of the second digit (2D) to the fourth digit (4D).It can be measured by various
methods using vernier callipers, radiographs, scanners.2D:4D ratio is used as a biological marker in medicine for
predicting and diagnosing many metabolic disorders like coronary heart disease and autism, whereas, in dentistry, this
method is still in blooming stage, and should be mined deeper.Several studies on association of hormonal fingerprints
or digit ratio have confirmed the impact of hormones on incidence of malocclusion, BMI which in turn influences the
caries index and could be used as an early predictor. Hormonal fingerprints have also been associated with risks of
incidence of various oral malignant and premalignant lesions.
This article aims to highlight the role of hormonal fingerprints as potential biomarkers in early diagnosis, prognosis,
and early lifestyle interventions for many dental diseases but most primarily dental caries.
Biological marker, 2D:4D ratio, Caries, Saliva, Malocclusion, Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Taste Sensitivity