Research Article | Open Access
HRCT evaluation of chest in RT-PCR positive patients of COVID19
Dr.Gopidi Sai Nidhi Reddy ,Dr.Bhushita Guru Lakhkar
Pages: 4948-4951
Background: Understanding the changes in the lung caused due to the novel corona virus that has been highly
contagious and therebydiagnose accurately and plan therapy accordingly. Chest CT has a potential role in the
diagnosis, detection of complications, and prognostication of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
Implementation of appropriate precautionary safety measures, chest CT protocol optimization, and a
standardized reporting system based on the pulmonary findings in this disease will enhance the clinical utility of
chest CT.
Objectives:In this study we aim to evaluate the patients with HRCT thoraxwho present withpositive RT-PCR
COVID19 test,its typical radiological HRCT findings and the diagnostic accuracy of High Resolution CT in
identifying Covid 19.
Methodology:A retrospective and observationalstudy will be done at AcharyaVinobaBhave Rural
Hospital(AVBRH), Sawangi, involving350 patients who present with clinical symptoms of COVID19 and
patients with RT-PCR COVID19 test positive for HRCT thorax. All the patients will beevaluated for the cause
based on parameters like presenting symptoms, duration and changes in HRCT thorax like distribution, location,
pattern, shape, density and concomitant signs. These dimensions would be compared to evaluate the sensitivity
of HRCT thorax in comparison to RT-PCR test for COVID19.
Results: After appropriate statistical analysis, we expect to find the classical HRCT finding in a RT-PCR
positive for COVID 19 patients and asses the susceptibility of HRCT as a diagnostic tool.
Conclusion: In this observational study, we expect to precisely understand the lung parenchymal changes in the
patients positive of RT-PCR for COVID 19 with the help of HRCT thorax.