Research Article | Open Access
Health Risk associated with Smart Phone usage among General Population
Indugayathrie VT Pradeep Kumar.R
Pages: 384-395
The usage of smartphones is increasing day by day and it has a major impact on the mental
health and well being of people. This study is conducted to evaluate the pattern of smartphone
usage and addiction among the general population in chennai.
A set of questionnaires was circulated among 150 participants via an online platform. About 33
questions were circulated among the population at random and out of which 18 questions were
selected to check the addiction level among the participants , and 2 questions were used to
determine the attempts to reduce their smartphone usage. Pearson chi square test was used to
analyse the data.
It was that about 73.33% were mildly addicted to smartphones and about 15.33% of the total
population were severely addicted to smartphones.Pearson chi square test for association
between educational status and low, medium and high level of addiction was done and the
p value was 0.05 hence the values obtained is statistically significant.
Everything has its own pros and cons so it is in our hands to use it wisely.The smartphone
addiction scale version questionnaire proved to be useful while conducting the survey to assess
the smartphone usage and addiction level.
Addiction, Innovative method, Mobile, Smartphone ,Social media