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Research Article | Open Access
Volume 14 2022 | None
How to manage COVID-19 by alternative therapies:A systematic approach
Pages: 1999-2009
Background and Aim : Covid 19 is now considered as a highly infectious Pandemic causative and still now acts as a major challenge for governments due to their people‘s fear on health issues. Even though the vaccine is a promising fixing cure, we are yet to be fully persuaded about its safety and side effects. This study was conducted with an aim to study the knowledge and practice towards alternative therapies available, among patients visiting a private dental institution in Chennai. Methodology: A total of 109 out-patients from a private dental institution participated in the study. A self administered, 17 questionnaire was circulated among the patients. The data was exported to SPSS version 25 and innovatively analysed, Chi square test was used for finding the association between gender and the knowledge of transmission of COVID-19 virus. Results: On the whole, the knowledge regarding COVID 19 was found to be good. Majority of them used herbal products (Kabasura Kudineer) as a preventive measure, which was suggested by friends or relatives. The Bar graph that depicts the association between gender and knowledge of clinical symptoms of COVID-19 shows that Yes was the most given answer by both genders with Pearson chi square test shows p value = 0.699 (>0.05, statistically insignificant). Conclusion: This study throws a light on baseline knowledge regarding outpatients perspective towards the pandemic and its related alternative therapies. In order to transform the beliefs regarding alternative therapy into a treatment regimen, evidence based trials must be carried out.
COVID - 19, Alternative therapy, Pandemic, Knowledge, Practice, innovative analysis