Research Article | Open Access
Imaging in field of dentistry:An innovative approach
Srivatsan R, Dinesh Premavathy
Pages: 2081-2089
Radiology is the medical discipline that uses medical imaging to diagnose and treat diseases within the bodies of
animals, including humans. There are varieties of imaging techniques such as X-ray,radiography,ultrasound,
computer tomography (CT),nuclear medicine,magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are used to diagnose or treat
diseases.Radiography is a widely used diagnosis method, it is more convenient and gives proper results and also
easily accessible even shows minute parts of the bone or hard tissue and teeth with more details on it. A
descriptive cross-sectional study was done to analyse knowledge, attitude and practice of radiography among
dentists. The survey was conducted among 100 dentists. It was an online survey using Google forms. A self
administrated questionnaire of 10 closed-ended and open questions was prepared and distributed among dentists
through online-based survey forms ―Google form‖. The responses were collected,tabulated in excel sheets and
analysed using SPSS(Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) version 23 and results were represented in a
bar and pie graph. Chi square test was used to analyse the data entered by density.Thus the present study has
concluded that radiodiagnosis plays a major role in the field of dentistry.
Radiodiagnosis, X-Rays, Computed tomography, orthopantomogram, Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)