Collection of poetry, the Asrar-e-Khudi (Secrets of the Self) by Iqbāl-e Lāhorīis a new look at mysticism and
includes informative and useful messages to the individual in society.In this paper, a brief comparison is made
between traditional mysticism and Iqbāl-e Lāhorī’s thought.Iqbal is a conscious and capablethinker of human
society in the contemporary world.He cannot be considered to belong to a particular nation and nationality, because
his worldview is such that it has made him a global figure, especially the Orient.In this paper, it has been tried to
deal with one of the main characteristics of his thought and personality.For this purpose, the Asrar-e-Khudi has been
only examined,because addressing all of his works requires the capacity more than a paper.
Allama Iqbāl-e Lāhorī is a theorist of oriental philosophy and wisdom of selfness, which expresses wisdom mixed
with pain and love, as well as love with wisdom, reason and self-belief.According to his religious worldview, Iqbal
considers man as a great being, caliph and vicegerent of God on earth, and he values man very much.He believes
that in the universe, all beings benefit each other, and man, who is the main goal of creation, must also be subject to
the general law of universe.He knows everything from the self and knows the great secret of monotheism in the
unity of these same selves.Iqbal's own theory seeks to awaken man, to make him aware of himself, and to realize his
values and ideals.