Research Article | Open Access
La lúdica y la grafomotricidad en estudiantes de educación básica regular
Isabel Menacho Vargas Francis Esmeralda Ibarguen Cueva Nancy Cuenca Robles Henry Hugo Alarcón Diaz Segundo Waldemar Rios Rios
Pages: 565-573
Success in the academic field is the product of adequate training in the early stages
of the individual. Faced with such requirement, the present study was aimed at
establishing the relationship between leisure and graphomotricity in students at the
primary level of regular basic education. The design used is non-experimental,
correlational-descriptive, of a basic type with a quantitative approach. The population
consisted of 160 students from the initial, first and second grade levels of an
educational institution in the Los Olivos district, Lima. The census was used. For the
data collection, a checklist was used in the case of play and, for graphomotricity, a
questionnaire. Statistical data was processed with IBM SPSS version 24 software.
The results of the investigation determined that the recreational variable is directly
and significantly related to the graphomotricity variable, with a Spearman correlation
coefficient of 0.620, this relationship being moderate or medium. It concludes on the
importance of play in the development of the precision of graphomotricity..
Playful, graphomotricity, graphomotor skills, gamification