Research Article | Open Access
Legalized Cruelty: Domestic Violence Against Men
Surbhi Parakh Dr.Vijay Laxmi Sharma
Pages: 3270-3277
Domestic Violence is one of the most occurred matrimonial criminal offence. Domestic Violence is a gender
specific law in India. The paper highlights the societal background of India, how women were suppressed and how
this constant suppression has led to an explosion. Plethora of laws have been frame for the upliftment and protection
of women but gradually with time women have secured their place in various walks of life and is not lagging behind
than her counterpart. Equality, a grundnorm is losing its essence. The paper focuses on The provisions of Domestic
Violence Act, 2005, which are gender biased in approach and critically analyses the Act, had the act been gender
neutral, men could also have claimed their rights and obtained justice. There is dire need of gender neutral laws in
India and to support the same the paper lays down international perspective on the issue of Domestic Violence
against men. It also postulates numerous Indian case laws highlighting how law is being misused by married women
and how men are being granted divorce on issues, which if Domestic Violence Act had been gender neutral,
complaints could have been filed under the above Act. Society, Judiciary and Legislature have side lined and is
considering this issue to be illusionary in nature.Crime against males is not an imaginary situation, it’s a disease
which needs to be acknowledged, checked and thus alleviate as they say prevention is better than cure. The quest is
not for man v. woman but for equality solely
Domestic Violence, Gender Equality, Gender Neutral, Gender biased, Men, Women