Research Article | Open Access
Location-based Sentiment Analysis of Indian Political Campaign on Twitter
Dr. Manpreet Kaur,Dr. Rajesh Verma,Dr. Sandeep Ranjan
Pages: 1-10
Twitter is a widespread micro-blogging, social media platform used for political campaigning, and in India, it
is among the largest online platforms used for sharing political information. During the Indian General Election 2019, all
political parties used social media to a great extent wherein political campaign MainBhiChowkidar (I am also Watchman)
was the most popular campaign by the country’s leading political party, Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP). This study aimed to
explore the location-based sentiments for the tweets shared by citizens in response to this political campaign
‘MainBhiChowkidar’. In total 38,227 tweets from April 1, 2019, till May 19, 2019, that mentioned about campaign
‘MainBhiChowkidar’ were analyzed. Location-based sentiment analysis using Python was carried out to identify the emotions
conveyed by these tweets. The results reveal that campaign has reached 74 countries along with India. In India, positive
sentiments among the users were found for this campaign in most of the states. The outcomes of this research will contribute
to examining public opinion using location-based sentiment analysis to get the results with higher accuracy.
Content Analysis, Political Campaign, Twitter, Sentiment Analysis, India General Election 2019