"Love brings two souls close, but the distance between the self-aware souls coming closer than the self is greater" was deeply contemplated and used by Manik Bandopadhyay in the main character of the story 'Brihattamo O Mahattaro' from the first collection of stories 'Atasimami O AnnanyoGalpo'. Within the first few decades of the twentieth century, the turbulence that was shaking the traditional values, witnessing new socio-economic realities, the World War and post-World War changes in the global village-city were all occurring, and these series of upheavals or transformations were evident in various writings of the trio of Bandopadhyays — their relentless examples are scattered throughout. And within Manik, there exists a sharp observational power, akin to that of a scientist, to experience life. There exists an insatiable desire within him to express the complexity of life.
During the aftermath of the First World War, as cities were emerging at an unprecedented pace and whispers of rural decay or the advancing wave of industrialization echoed, global changes were stirring up a whirlwind of transformation. Not only were societal paradigms shifting, but within societies themselves, multifaceted and intricate changes were taking place. The gaps in life and civilization's ideological and intellectual landscapes became clearer by the day, giving rise to eruptions in everyday life experiences.