Research Article | Open Access
Dr. Nnaemeka Emmanuel Agujiobi, Ngozi Agujiobi-Odoh
Pages: 757-762
Nsukka as a people is a homogeneous cultural fact. A people that enjoy a geospatial continuum. Masquerade is an aspect of Nsukka culture. It is not particular with Nsukka as a people. It is equally in existence in other ethnic groups in Nigeria and Africa at large. The general belief in Nsukka as in other parts of Igbo land is that masquerades are ancestral spirits on a visit to mankind, with the awe it inspires as they enter the human village. It is believed that the mask transforms the actor not only physically but also spiritually and psychologically. The masker seems transmogrified once vested into the figure he is representing. The findings of this paper reveal among other things that, in recent times masquerade in Nsukka is no longer what it is abinitio, a means of entertainment, settlement of disputes, disciplinary measures, restoration of peace and collection of debts. Now, it is but, a poor shadow of its own reality. Some hooligans enter into this to rape women, kidnap, steal, flog, wound, maim and extort money from people indiscriminately. Masquerades in Nsukka have caused more harm than good. This work looks critically on the impact of masquerading and the future it holds for sustainability of peace in Nsukka cultural zone. The methodology used in this work ishistoric-descriptive as the Masquerade has been studied as a cultural fact with special interest on sustainability of peace
Masquerade, Nsukka Culture, Implications, Sustainability, Peace.