More Clear Now...Ideology And Politics In The Relationship Between Philosophy And Education
The realms of Philosophy, Ideology, Statecraft, and Politics have a profound influence on education, shaping its goals, methods, and outcomes throughout history and across societies. These interconnected fields play crucial roles in defining the purpose and structure of educational systems, determining what knowledge is valued, and guiding the formation of future generations. Understanding the intricate relationship between these domains provides valuable insights into how education is both a reflection of societal values and a powerful tool for shaping the course of human development. As with every individual, teachers are intertwined with philosophy, education, statecraft, politics and ideology throughout their lives.. In this context, the aim of the study is to get the opinions of teachers about the concepts of philosophy, ideology, statecraft, politics and education and the relations between these concepts. In this study, in which the phenomenology design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used, the study group of the research consists of 23 teachers. In this research, the data obtained as a result of the answers of the teachers were divided into codes, categories and themes and analyzed by content analysis. All the data in the analysis phase were transferred to the MAXQDA 2022 package program, and the results are presented in the findings section. The study concluded that almost all of the teachers described concepts such as ideology, statecraft, politics, philosophy and education as positive and that most of the relations between these concepts were positive.
Philosophy, education, ideology, statecraft, politics