Research Article | Open Access
National Education Policy 2020: Challenges and Opportunities in Implementation
Dr. Sandeep Patil
Pages: 4467-4470
National Education Policy 2020 aims at developing a vibrant knowledge society that will pave way
for emergence of new India as Vishwa Guru. It implies profound changes and advances in Indian
higher education to make it globally competent and socially relevant. There are various alterations
and innovations proposed through NEP 2020. This transformation will offer numerous opportunities
of empowering our higher education system to make it truly learner-centric and dynamic. The true
test lies in the effective implementation of this policy. There are various challenges in the effective
implementation of this policy. These challenges are not only economic as well as infrastructural, but
they are more prominently related to our commitment and efforts. This article discusses the
opportunities and challenges in the effective implementation of NEP 2020 with reference to higher
National Education Policy-2020, higher education, learner-centered education, Indian knowledge system ------------------------