Research Article | Open Access
Erwan Ismail , Abu Yazid Abu Bakar, Ahmad Khairulanam Mohamad , Siti Fatimah Muhammad Nor
Pages: 5039-5045
Involvement in physical activity consistently and in keeping with one’s ability helps in reducing
the risk for morbidity and mortality caused by non-communicable diseases (NCD). This study aimed to
investigate the involvement in physical activity and health status among secondary school students in Federal
Development Land Authority (FELDA) settlements. A cross-sectional study was conducted using Global
Physical Activity Questionnaires (GPAQ) Version II and health-based physical fitness test. The population of
male and female secondary school students in FELDA settlements all over Malaysia was approximately 40,115.
The sample size of this study was determined by 10% of the students’ population. Total participation was 2024
male students and 2140 female students. The dominant religion and race were Islam (3972 students) and Malay
(3690 students) respectively while the highest generation is the third-generation accounting for 2263 students.
Average involvement in weekly physical activity in school and during leisure time among the students in
FELDA was 108.94 minutes/week and 169.48 minutes/week respectively. Mean involvement in TPA activity
(m = 247.40 m/m; m = 1429.46 kcal/m) and sedentary activity (m = 6.20 j/h). Health status showed ideal mean
students’ BMI m = 21.80kg/m2, medium body fat percentage (m = 25.49mm), low mean WHR (m = 0.82%),
unfit cardiovascular (m = 148bpm), medium VO2max (44.48mL/kg/min), weak for handgrip test (m = 26.84kg),
and very weak for standing broad jump test (m = 153.68sm). In conclusion, the students in FELDA were
actively involved in physical activity, no BMI issue and body fat percentage but are not fit. Therefore, physical
activity should be carried out together with good physical fitness activity to reduce the risks for NCD.
Physical activity, health, fitness, school students, FELDA, Malaysia