Research Article | Open Access
Sariga Jayachandran , Dr. Lalitha Rani Chellappa
Pages: 1484-1494
Trauma and stress are known to have lasting negative effects on health. However, little is known about
the underlying mechanisms which influence the development of stress-related resilience. Sense of
coherence-revised plays a major role in this process, as it is formed through overcoming stress or adversity. The aim of our study was to review the available causes and impacts of stress among dental
Materials and methods:
A cross sectional study composed of standardized questionnaires was used in this study to assess positive
and negative experiences, stress or adversity, current health and well-being, and resilience-related
resources. The study was organized and conducted among the first year dental students in Chennai. The
collected data were entered into Microsoft Excel and then analyzed using a software called SPSS
Software version 23 and a chi square test was done. P<0.05 is considered significant.
Statistical Analysis: Univariate ANOVA was done to determine variability between dependent variable
groups: year in school and gender.
Results and discussion: The results showed that nearly 129 students responded to all the 31 questions
asked in our questionnaire. Among the 129 students, 66.4% belong to the age group 18-20 and 23.2%
participants belong to the age category 21-23 and 10.4% are between 24-27.
Conclusion: From our present study we can conclude that most of the first year students are dealing with
some sort of stress in their daily life. Academic, social and even health problems play a major role in the
development of stress. Academic stressors are considered as the most important stressors. The majority of
students were in favour of stress management education to be included in the curriculum and also steps
should be taken for its incorporation.
Stress, coping mechanism, academic workload, trauma,Innovative analysis.