Research Article | Open Access
Pedagogies and Didactic of Junior High School Teachers on Learning Process on Mathematical Problem Solving
Yulyanti Harisman Muchamad Subali Noto Wahyu Hidayat Mhmd. Habibi4 Anny Sovia
Pages: 807-821
This study aims to see how the three junior high school teachers are in the learning
process of problem-solving. Each teacher has documented their learning process
that has been conducted during three meetings. The topic observation materials
were Geometry; the materials chosen were because the topic would enable the
process of learning about mathematical problem-solving. Videos of the learning
process would be analyzed to see how the depth and breadth of pedagogical and
didactic aspects of each teacher. The type of this research is descriptive research by
using the study cases method. Based on the finding of the research, it was obtained
a theory that suggested three categories of the depth of didactic and pedagogical
aspects of teachers in the process of solving mathematical problems. These three
categories are named in this paper with good, very good, and excellent categories.
These three categories will be explained detail in this paper.
Pedagogies, Didactic, Problem Solving.