Research Article | Open Access
Personal conditions associated with procrastination in university students
Patricia Gladys Chávez-Ortiz Gustavo Rodolfo Buendia Vila Ángel Salvatierra Melgar Janet Josco Mendoza
Pages: 521-526
The objective of this study was to establish the association between personal
conditioning factors and academic procrastination in 710 students aged 16 and 35
(51.1% men and 48.9% women) from the first to the tenth cycle of two universities
located in Lima. Was used the quantitative approach, the research design was nonexperimental cross-sectional. For this, the Procrastination Assessment ScaleStudents (PASS) test was administered, the statistical test chosen for the results: Chi
square. The results showed that procrastination is associated with the sex, age and
college of origin of university students
academic procrastination; sex; age; college of origin; University students