Research Article | Open Access
Post-modern monetary curricula Cultural Criticism Model Study in concepts and procedures
Dr. Louani fadhila
Pages: 499-509
This research deals with the issue of cultural criticism (civilizational criticism), which is a type of intellectual activity that takes culture, in its comprehensiveness, as a subject for its research and thinking. The literary achievement based on the choice of certain foundations and criteria, based on dealing with the text of the discourse, and examining its systemic transformations, instead of standing on describing its essential, historical, or aesthetic truth, thus revealing the implicit cultural systems that hide behind multiple internal spectra, taking this function as an adjective. Simultaneous successive criticism at the same time, as it looks into the depth of culture, observing the immediate developments of cultural action, and their manifestations on the creative process
Cultural criticism, creative text, discourse, methodology, postmodernism, modernism, self-expression, foundations of cultural criticism, Arab critics