Research Article | Open Access
Problems of Innovative Transformation of Russian Higher Education Developmental Education on the Example of Agrarian University
G.P. Kovaleva A.I. Dekina
Pages: 1154-1159
The purpose of the article is to analyze the transformational processes in Russian
higher education aimed at restructuring the educational environment based on
developmental education technologies that contribute to the formation of students'
systematic thinking and abilities for self-realization in the professional sphere.
Following this agenda, the change in the content of education in the Kuzbass State
Agricultural Academy and the use of innovative teaching methods (business games,
integrator, storytelling, pedagogical design, etc.) modify the role of the teaching staff.
They initiate it as not only a translator of knowledge, but also makes it a key element
in creation of prerequisites for employment of graduates and their professional
implementation. Advanced training and retraining of teachers and administrative and
managerial personnel of the Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy in the profile of
developmental education creates conditions for the transition to "systematic thought
activity pedagogy", training on its basis highly qualified specialists who are able to
form their own individual trajectory of professional and career growth at the request
of the employer, providing with their labor stability of the functioning of the
agroeconomy of the region. The research used the system-dialectical, comparative
and integrative methods.
Developmental Training, Innovativeness, Systematic thought Activity Pedagogy.