Research Article | Open Access
Psychological Aspects of Surat An-Nur through the Interpretation of Nawawi Al-Jawi Al-Bantani
Elhadfa Laabed, Dr. Mohammad Syifa Amin Widigodo, Dr. Mohamad Azhar & Dr. Fitriah M.Suud
Pages: 1-15
It is not surprising that the Holy Quran contains many psychological and educational aspects because it is a book that detailed the objectives of Islamic law, the most important of which is self-preservation. Therefore, this paper came to shed light on the most important psychological aspects contained in Surat Al-Nur through the interpretation of Imam Al-Jawawi Al-Binti, called Marah Labid Fi Kashfi Maani Quran Majid. Basically, this study attempts to present what Imam Al-Jawi Al-Binti indicated regarding the psychological concepts included in Surat An-Nur, and then analyze and divide them. This study showed that Merah Lapid mentioned three important psychological concepts related to the individual and society. These concepts are the principle of psychological support, self-preservation, self-discipline and reform.
psychological aspects- Surat An-Nur- psychological support- self-preservation.