Research Article | Open Access
Anu Iswarya Jaisankar Dr.Senthil murugan Pandurangan Vinod krishna Jagdish Vijaykumar
Pages: 3902-3914
Dentigerous cysts are follicular cysts that are mostly developmental, slow growing, benign, odontogenic cysts. They
occur as a result of accumulation of fluid between the outer enamel epithelium of the unerupted tooth and reduced
enamel epithelium. They can cause facial asymmetry by bone expansion, root resorption of the adjacent teeth,
extreme displacement of teeth. Pain occurs in case of secondary infection of the cyst.Three radiological variants of
the cysts namely central, lateral and circumscribed types are known.
The current study aims to assess the incidence of dentigerous cysts among patients visiting the out patient
department of a private dental hospital setting.
Materials and Methodology:
The study was performed in the Out patient department of saveetha dental college, under a university setting. The
study was a retrospective study and the data required were procured by reviewing patient records dating between
June 2019 and March 2021 and the sample size was n =11 .The data thus collected were sorted and tabulated in the
excel sheet.The sorted data were then entered in the IBM SPSS software version 23 and descriptive analysis was
performed. The results were interpreted in the form of pictorial graphs.
n = 11 patient records who had been diagnosed with the presence of dentigerous cysts had been retrieved. Our
results show that the majority of them i.e 81.82% of the people were males and 18.18% of them were females. Age
groups of 21 to 30 years were the most affected with 36.36% and people with 41 to 50 years of age group were the
least affected with 9.09%.
Within the limitations of the study, it can be concluded that dentigerous cysts occur more commonly in males with
81.82% incidence percent. It is also known to occur commonly in people of age group 21 to 30 years of age with an
incidence percent 36.36%. It mostly occurs in relation to mandibular left third molars (38) which accounts to about
45.45% lesions. Most of the incidences were seen in third molars followed by canines with no other teeth affected. It
is also found that the incidence of dentigerous cysts is more frequent in mandible with 72.73% than maxilla.In
Particular, Mandibular Posterior region is the most affected with 63.64%.Followed by Maxillary posterior region
and the maxillary and the mandibular anterior region.
Dentigerous cysts, Follicular cysts, Incidence, Innovative tool