ized expertise, or personality, influencers have a positive or negative impact on consumer impressions and decisions. In today's globally connected digital media, influencers
take on this role, influencing GEN- Zclients' attitudes, perceptions, and beliefs, and thereby drastically influencing demand patterns for certain items. Influencer marketing is a kind
of digital network marketing that has gained in popularity in recent years. Comparing the performance of knowledge from the outcomes of global investigations and the quantitative
online survey, the goal of this scientific contribution is to systematize thefacts about influencers' positions and roles as leaders in the social media background in order to classify
their typology, influence factors, and the strength of their impact on purchaser decision-making process. Digital z-gen customer with 54 sample size. For analysis, descriptive
statistics, and non-parametric Cronbach’s Alpha test, Friedman’s test for k-related samples, Chi-square tests, Factor analysis, Multiple Regression Analysis were used under this
study. According to the results of the study, certain brands can benefit more from influencer marketing than others. Influencers would have more impact on buying apparel,
accessories, cosmetic, and, surprise, utilities. Similarly, GEN- Zcustomers buy food, jewels, and appliances for a variety of reasons, but influencer marketing has the ability to touch
them here too.