Research Article | Open Access
Relationship between Mental Health and Anxiety Sensitivity in Students
Mohammad Mahdi Molaie Araghi
Pages: 4459-4466
The present research aims to identify some anxiety sensitivity predictors in high schoolers. In the present
study, the relationship between mental health and anxiety sensitivity in third-grade male high school
students was studied. In a correlational study, 150 third-grade male high school students in high school and
vocational schools in Karaj were selected using cluster sampling. Mental health and anxiety sensitivity
questionnaires were completed by them. Data were analyzed using correlation test. Findings showed that
there is a significant relationship between three subscales of the four subscales of mental health and anxiety
sensitivity. The lowest correlation was in the subscale of anxiety (r=0.27) and the highest correlation was in
the subscale of physical function (r=0.32). There was no significant relationship between the subscale of
mental health and the subscale of anxiety sensitivity.
Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that in the sample students, the variable of anxiety
sensitivity can be predicted from the scores of the subscales of physical function, depression, anxiety, and
mental health.
Mental Health, Anxiety Sensitivity, Physical Function, Depression, Anxiety, Social Functions.