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Research Article | Open Access
Volume 12 2020 | None
Rex Eris Si Recte Facias, Si Non Facias Non Eris
Tatyana M. Penskaya Roman A. Lopin* Eduard N. Lykov Vladimir A. Noskov Elena S. Danilova
Pages: 612-617
The problems of formation and development of state institutions and the state as a whole in the Early Modern times has long been the subject of research. In recent decades, there has been a definite turn towards the studies of backstage politics and administration of early modern States, in terms of rather substance than form. At the same time, special attention is paid to specific practices related to improving the mechanisms for the exercise of power and to the specifics of interaction between the society and the state. Church and religious organizations played a significant role in this. The authors consider some of the most important features of the interaction between the government and Church using a case study of the Russian state in the Early Modern times, analyzing the two main directions of this interaction, that is, the confessionalization of the society and the creation of a “tsarist discourse”.
Bureaucracy, Church, Confessionalization, Ivan the Terrible, Political Regime.