Research Article | Open Access
Role of Nephrin in Assessment of Diabetic Nephropathy
Amina Mohamed Talaat El Nagar , Osama Elsayed Ahmed Metwaly , Aymen Abd Elrahman Mohamed Nasrallah , Lamiaa Mahmoud Mohammad Kamel
Pages: 1231-1236
The prevalence of diabetes worldwide has extended epidemic magnitudes and is expected to affect more than 350 million
people by the year 2035.Diabetic Nephropathy (DN) is the most prevalent chronic kidney disease and is the major cause of
End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) worldwide. This is predominantly due to the growing incidence of type 2 diabetes
assocaited with obesity.Albuminuria has several confounding issues associated with it such as exercise, urinary tract
infection, acute illness and cardiac failure. Furthermore,it has been reported to occur in the urine of non-diabetic subjects,
indicating the non-specificty of albuminuria for accurate prediction of diabetic kidneydisorder.Nephrin is a 180 KD
transmembrane protein expressed in glomerular podocytes. It was first identified in children with congenital nephrotic
syndrome of the Finnish type.Nephrin biomarker can be used as predictoir for early diagnosis of nephropathy in diabetics
Nephrin, Diabetic Nephropathy