Research Article | Open Access
Dr.A.Sulthan Mohideen Dr.CH.Madhavi Latha Mulatu Dea Lerra, Ph.D. Rabi Chandra Mandal Thotakura Balaji Dr.R.Gopinathan
Pages: 3391-3396
The purpose of this research was to learn about the ways in which parents of children with learning disabilities
deal with stress and find ways to cope with it. Designees for the research that were chosen after the fact for the
investigation. 200 parents who are raising children with Learning disabilities (LD), including 100 children with
specifically and 100 children with association disorder. According to the findings, the vast majority of parents felt that
their financial obligations had increased. Parental stress is experienced by parents of children who have learning
difficulties such as Late Global Development, Down syndrome, or Intellectual Disabilities as a consequence of adapting
to and managing with their children's problems. The main objectives of the study are to study the demographic variables
of the respondents in the study area, to overview the areas of stress in the parents of LD children and to identify the
coping methods adopted by the parents. It is a descriptive study which was conducted in Chennai during the period of
August 2021. For selecting the sample respondents from the study area, simple random technique has been applied and
the data were collected through the Google forms. The sample size is 200. The researcher indicated that due to the
presence of children with learning disabilities, they also suffered a moderate degree of the load of providing physical
care, strained relationships with family members and teachers, decreased family support, and worse levels of self-esteem.
It is concluded that there were significant defence between the Mean values of coping with reference to Local Analysis,
seeking alternative rewards and seeking guidance.
Learning Difficulties, Disability, Difficult Child and Parental, Stress.